Implementing a New Engine

Implementing a new engine only requires figuring out how to fulfill the methods of AbstractEngine and adding it as case in parse_engine(). It should then seamlessly work with existing aimless shooting infrastructure.


A note on units: You are free to internally use whatever units are easiest to interact with your engine, however anything received or returned to aimless shooting via the public methods defined in AbstractEngine are expected to be in Å (coordinates, box lengths) and m/s (velocities). You must convert between them yourself if you use any other units.

Suggested Workflow

Define the additional inputs your engine requires

Think about running an MD simulation by hand. Aimless shooting essentially requires that you can change the starting coordinates and velocities of a simulation. What’s the closest level of input you can get to running a simulation while still being able to change those parameters? Examples of existing engines:

  • CP2K:

    In CP2K, everything is specified in a .inp file, including coordinates and velocities. Therefore, we can take a template .inp file that contains all the other simulation parameters and just modify the coords and vels as necessary. When we’re ready to run a new simulation, we can write out an updated version of the original .inp file and pass that to the CP2K executable.


    GROMACS has multiple stages to running a simulation. For example, a .top file needs to be generated from a .pdb. Then a .gro (coordinates and velocities), a .mdp file (parameters) and .top (topology) need to be compiled into a .tpr with gmx grompp. Finally, this .tpr can be run with gmx mdrun.

    Bonds are not changing during aimless shooting so we can use a static .top file. However, to change coordinates and velocities, we need to modify the .gro file, which requires recompiling with grompp. Therefore, the additional inputs we will need are:

    • top_file: constant file used to compile a new simulation

    • mdp_file: parameter file used to compile a new simulation

    • gro_file: coordinate file that gets modified for each shooting point before recompiling

    • grompp_cmd: command to compile the above into a new .tpr to run

The inputs you define can then be passed in in the inputs dictionary. You can then require and validate them by adding them as cases in validate_inputs()

Return atoms

To override atoms(), you need to return a sequence of the atoms in your system as strings of their periodic table representation (e.g. Argon -> "Ar").

  • CP2K

    The template .inp file has its &COORD section parsed to read the element names


    The template .gro file has the atom names extracted from it.

Store and write positions

Your engine needs to be able to hold coordinates as internal state and then pass them to the simulation when requested to run. These are passed to you in Å in set_positions().

  • CP2K

    CP2KEngine stores the template .inp file in memory as a dictionary and stores positions by modifying the &COORDS section. This dictionary is written out with the updated coordinates when running a simulation.


    GROMACSEngine stores the template .gro file in memory and stores positions by modifying the positions array A new .gro file is written out with the updated coordinates when running a simulation.

Store and write velocities

Your engine needs to be able to hold velocities as internal state and then pass them to the simulation when requested to run. These are passed to you in m/s in set_velocities(), and will likely have a similar solution to setting positions.

  • CP2K

    CP2KEngine stores the template .inp file in memory as a dictionary and stores velocities by modifying the &VELOCITY section. This dictionary is written out with the updated coordinates when running a simulation.


    GROMACSEngine stores the template .gro file in memory and stores velocities by modifying the velocities array A new .gro file is written out with the updated velocities when running a simulation.

Return \(\Delta t, \ 2\Delta t\) output frames

After running a single simulation with _launch_traj(), you need to return the coordinates of the \(\Delta t, \ 2\Delta t\) frames, as defined by when set_delta_t() is called. The easiest way to do this has been to set the print frequency of the trajectory to be the number of frames equivalent to \(\Delta t\). Then, the second printed frame will be at \(\Delta t\) and the third printed frame will be at \(2\Delta t\) (the first printed frame is generally the starting position). The problem then boils down to two parts:

  1. Setting the print frequency correctly

  2. Reading the printed trajectory

In both CP2K and GROMACS, the simulation timestep is parsed (from the .inp and .mdp respectively). The number of frames corresponding to one \(\Delta t\) is then calculated, and this set as trajectory print frequency in the parameter file.

After the simulation completes, mdtraj is already included and can be used to parse the trajectory. Prefer to use the low level readers so that only the first three frames need to be read before closing the file. Ensure the coordinates are converted to Å before returning them.

Figure out how to integrate PLUMED

The base engine is given a PlumedInputHandler that handles moving the plumed file around. You can write a unique plumed file for the trajectory by calling write_plumed() with the desired location and output file name.

The simulation then needs to be told to use this file. In GROMACS, this is just the -plumed flag added to the command list, while in CP2K, the .inp file has to be modified before being written.

After the simulation is complete, PlumedOutputHandler can be used to determine which basin was committed to.

Run a simulation with _launch_traj()

With all the above figured out, this should be just slight modifications of existing implementations. Essentially

  1. Write all needed input files to the unique name for this trajectory (given by projname)

    1. If necessary as with GROMACS, preprocess these

  2. Run asynchronously with the given md_cmd by opening a subprocess and periodically checking for completion, await ing in the interim to allow other shootings to process.

  3. Check for any errors or warnings, log or copy files as appropriate

  4. Read the committed basins and \(\Delta t, \ 2\Delta t\) output frames and return in the specified dictionary